Bylines: AIGA’s Eye on Design, Dribbble’s Overtime, Working not Working Mag, TypeTogether.

Portrait of a Man
The portrait’s narrative explores a medical professional grappling with bipolar. We see the tension nested within his four identities: the man himself, the mania, the depression, and the doctor. The pandemic highlighted society’s apathy towards medical professionals’ mental health.

Entrée Reality. No really, try this.
"Trust the Unfolding" started as real origami and ended as an interactive augmented reality experience. These textures and shapes are real, which makes them feel like an extension to our current reality. Inclusion doesn't feel so far away!

Crypto for Designers
In short, cryptocurrency is next-gen social media with a focus on buying rather than socializing. Economies materialize via trade and bartering, which social media has encouraged us to do for almost a decade. We evolved trade into attention economies and virality, but these are volatile markets and don’t always translate to actual dollars. Social media platforms leaned into personal relationships to massage money from our pockets by way of targeted ads, sponsored posts, and marketplaces.

Interview with Type Together
In a simple sense, food typography isn’t much different from typeface design: I’m creating rich and subtle stories by using the materials, type treatment, and copy to create a setting. The end point is the same: where will it live? The difference being that typography lives everywhere.

Hungry for VR/AR
Artists and designers tend to shrink at the introduction of new technology. I speak from experience, often wondering how x device will impact my outputs, raise the bar, add steps to my already complicated process. However, the sooner visual artists adapt this technology, the sooner they can evolve. AR is a baby step towards total integration, allowing digital magic to enter an already preexisting space.